Hydstra Web Publishing

This page contains examples of KISTERS web products.

note that some links may be geoblocked based on your location  


Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, VIC, Australia
Water Measurement Information System ("WMIS")
Published by Hydstra and Raven.

San Bernadino County, USA
The San Bernadino website is published by Hydstra and Raven.


Hydstra WEB

California Department of Water Resources, USA

County of Ventura Watershed Protection District, CA, USA

Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers
The Water Monitoring Information Portal (WMIP) service is published by Hydstra and Hydstra WEB.
water-monitoring.information.qld.gov.au/mobile/ - for mobile phones
water-monitoring.information.qld.gov.au/mobtext - for legacy mobile phones

Orange County, CA, USA
published by Hydstra and Hydstra WEB

Suwanee River Water Management District, FL, USA
published by Hydstra and Hydstra WEB

Water NSW, Australia
published by Hydstra and Hydstra WEB



Simple data publishing using Hydstra's HYQUICKWEB product.

Example sites displayed on a map
Hover over a site marker to see the site ID, click on a site to display a popup with its full name, click on the link in the popup to open a page with links to prepared data products.
Close popup using the close link or hit the ESC key.


Hydstra Web Services

Auckland Regional Council, NZ
Site meta data using Hydstra web service
List of available time series using Hydstra web service

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, VIC, Australia
Metadata example using Hydstra Web Service
Timeseries example using Hydstra Web Service

Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers
Metadata example using Hydstra Web Service
Timeseries example using Hydstra Web Service

Orange County, CA, USA
Metadata example using Hydstra Web Service
Timeseries example using Hydstra Web Service

St Johns River Water Management District, FL, USA
Metadata example using Hydstra Web Service
Timeseries example using Hydstra Web Service

Suwanee River Water Management District, FL, USA
Metadata example using Hydstra Web Service
Timeseries example using Hydstra Web Service

Water NSW, Australia
Web service metadata example using Hydstra Web
Timeseries example using Hydstra Web


Other Hydstra Products 

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, WA, Australia
River Level Monitoring web site using Hydstra data
Interactive data map web site
Avon Descent River Monitoring

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, CA USA
Client web site using Hydstra reports and plots

Melbourne Water Corporation, VIC, Australia
Client web site using Hydstra data

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, USA
Client web site using Hydstra DLL and ODBC driver

Nevada Irrigation District, USA
Client web site using Hydstra products

Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, CA, USA
Client web site using Hydstra products

State of Washington Department of Ecology, USA
Client web site using Hydstra products

Suwanee River Water Management District, FL, USA
Client web site using Hydstra products

Yuba Water Agency, CA, USA
Client web site over Hydstra data


WISKI Products

Alberta Environment, Canada
Environment Alberta web site using WISKI products

Auckland Regional Council, NZ
KiWIS SOS capabilities specification
KiWIS DescribeSensor request

Bureau of Meteorology Water Data Online, Australia
BOM web site using WISKI products

Belgian Water Data, Belgium
Client web site using Wiski products

Environmental State Agency of Bavaria, Germany
WISKI Web Public with customised content

Hydrological Service of the Kanton Thurgau und Schaffhausen, Switzerland
WISKI Web Public

National Hydrometric Network (WSV), Germany
Web portal solution (not from KISTERS) publishing WISKI data

Manly Hydraulics, NSW, Australia
Public Website

Southern California Edison, CA, USA
Wiski Web Public